Dietician Kajal


Adopting a balanced diet can help you manage PCOD symptoms and improve your wellbeing in general. This seven-day PCOD diet plan focuses on whole foods, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to establish a basis for a well-balanced diet. A sustainable diet can help you recover control over your hormonal balance and general wellbeing. Consistency is crucial. Before making any big dietary changes, always speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying medical issues. You’re taking a step in the right direction toward becoming healthier and happier by providing your body with these nutrient rich meals. 

We present a 7-day PCOD diet plan designed to support hormonal balance and help you take charge of your health. 

Day 1  

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  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast: 1 small bowl oats upma 
  • Mid-morning snack: 1 glass flax seed water and 1 fruit. 
  • Lunch: 2 roti,1 small bowl sabzi and 1 small plate salad. 
  • Evening: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl roasted peanuts. 
  • Dinner: 1 beetroot Roti and 1 small bowl Paneer bhurji. 

Day 2

  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast: 3 sprouts Idli and 1 tbsp coconut chutney. 
  • Mid-morning snack: 1 fruit and 1 glass flax seed Water. 
  • Lunch: 2 roti ,1 small bowl soyabean curry and 1 small plate salad. 
  • Evening snack: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl makhana. 
  • Dinner: 1 large bowl spinach soup and 1 small plate salad.  
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Day 3

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-16 at 2.06.57 PM
  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast:1 paneer Paratha and chutney. 
  • Mid-morning snack: 1 fruit and 1 glass flax seed water.
  • Lunch: cheat meal. 
  • Evening snack: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl Murmura. 
  • Dinner: 1 small plate boiled sprouts salad. 

Day 4

  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked Almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast:1 glass strawberry smoothie. 
  • Midmorning: 1 fruit and1 glass flax seed water. 
  • Lunch: 2 roti,1 small bowl any veg curry and 1 glass buttermilk. 
  • Evening: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl makhana. 
  • Dinner: 4 beetroot moong tikki and 1small plate salad. 
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Day 5

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  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked Almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast: 2 jowar cheela and chutney. 
  • Midmorning: 1 fruit and 1 glass flax seed water. 
  • Lunch:1 small bowl vegetable tehri and 1 small bowl lauki raita. 
  • Evening: 1 cup of green tea and 1 small bowl yellow chana. 
  • Dinner: 1 small plate kala chana chaat. 

Day 6

  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast: 2 besan veg cheela and chutney. 
  • Midmorning: 1 fruit and 1 glass flax seed water. 
  • Lunch: 2 roti,1 bowl any veg curry and 1 plate salad. 
  • Evening: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl sprouted moong. 
  • Dinner:1 small plate Asian stir fry veggies and 30 gm grilled paneer. 
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Day 7

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-16 at 2.06.55 PM
  • Early morning: 1 glass fennel water,5-soaked Almonds and 2 walnuts. 
  • Breakfast: 2 open sandwiches. 
  • Midmorning:1 fruit and 1 glass flax seed water. 
  • Lunch: 1 small plate lentil salad. 
  • Evening: 1 cup green tea and 1 small bowl papaya. 
  • Dinner:1 glass spinach banana smoothie. (Use Almond Milk for smoothie). 


This is a sample diet plan and not a personalized diet plan. Therefore, contact your registered dietitian before following any diet plans.